Monday, August 6, 2007


SEARCH FOR ARTICLES. On the Web page is a link to “E-Resources,” which can lead you to indexes to articles on a topic in journals, conference proceedings, and other sources. Browse categories of interest under “Search by Category,” for example: Engineering, Civil Engineering, Construction Management, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Computer Science, etc.

Listed below are SOME of the significant article indexes available through the UNL Libraries. You may access these indexes by selecting the “E-Resources” link in the online catalog. To find other article indexes browse the categories under “Search by Category”.

REMOTE ACCESS WITH YOUR NUID NUMBER. At when you click on a link to an e-resource, a logon screen will ask for your last name & NUID.

Most journal article indexes/databases have a Request via ILL (ILLiad), Additional Resources button, etc., allowing you to transfer data directly into a request. Most of the indexes below have links for full text, when available at UNL, or links to request an article, conference paper, etc. and a link to RefWorks, UNL accessible citation management software. WebBridge is the software interface that provides the “bridge” (resolver) between the database and the various access options for any given article,. WebBridge also often has a link to RefWorks and will bridge the citation over to a record in your RefWorks account.


Web of Science. (Science Citation Index). Index of science and engineering journals. Find information about journals, authors and articles that are cited by other researchers. Use the full text link “View Full Text” to link directly to the article in HTML or Pdf. Otherwise the link “Additional Resources” goes to a screen with other options. Web of Science supplies the EndNote citation manager to every licensed user; it does not support RefWorks. However, you can save selected records to field tagged, file type file, then log into RefWorks and import the file specifying ISI as the data source and Web of Science as the database. Browse to find the text file you saved to your computer and click on Open.Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.


Compendex Web/Ei Compendex Plus. Commands the entire spectrum of engineering, in depth, with abstracts from over 2,600 international journals, conference papers, technical reports, and more back to 1884. Updated weekly. “Full-text” link is not limited to what UNL patrons have access to. Use the link: “Additional Resources” for possible online access choices. Some will take you directly to the article record with a Pdf link to the online article. Each search result set has an RSS feed link. RefWorks: Select items, then “Download”. Select "RefWorks direct import" and click on Download. The export will open RefWorks if it is not already open and automatically import the references. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder. See E-Resources access screen for more information.

(View additional resources under the "Engineering" Category on the E-Resources screen)

SCIFINDER SCHOLAR. Integrated, user-friendly, point-and-click access to Chemical Abstracts Service databases. Use for any information needs regarding chemicals, materials, compositions of products, etc. Buttons to the right of each citation link to the detailed record and either directly to the full text, or to options for obtaining the full text. RefWorks - to save citations from your SciFinder Scholar search, select citations, click on “Save As”, choose tagged format, name the file and locate where to save it (Must be on your C or D drive). Log into your RefWorks account, choose “Import” under “References”, specify CAS Scifinder, then select Caplus as the database. Use the "Browse" button under "Import Data from the following Text File" to specify your file location and name. Click "Import." See E-Resources access screen for more information.

INSPEC. Contains more than 4.7 million citations. Abstracts to worldwide literature of physics, electronics and electrical engineering, computing and control, and information technology. Primary coverage journal articles, conference proceedings, books, technical reports and dissertations. Use the built-in, online thesaurus to more precisely identify a research term as a designated subject heading in INSPEC and do a more precise search. From the search results screen, the link to access options is “WebBridge”. If full text is available at UNL, there will be a “Linked Full Text” or “PDF Full Text” link under the citation that links directly to the article. RefWorks: Add items to folder, click on “Folder has items”, select them again, then click “Export”. Select the “Direct Export to RefWorks button, then click “Save”.

IEEE /IEE Electronic Library (IEL), IEEE Explore. Indexes, abstracts, and full-text of transactions, journals, magazines, conference proceedings and standards of the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.) and IEE (Institution of Electrical Engineers) publications back to 1988 with select content back to 1952. There is a Full Text link under each citation. No RefWorks link at this time, but you can select items, “view selected items”, then under “Download Citations” at left select ASCI text (*.txt), download, then import to RefWorks. Select RIS Format as the data source and IEEE/IEL as the database. See E-Resources access screen for more information.

MATH SCINET MathSciNet is the searchable Web database providing access to over 55 years of Mathematical Reviews and Current Mathematical Publications Updated daily. Full Text Link is under "PDF" or "Article." RefWorks: Save citations by clicking the Clipboard link under the citation. Review your marked citations by clicking the Clipboard button at the top-left of the screen. Choose Citations (BibTeX) under "Select format:"and click "Save Clip". Using your Browser's Save As function, navigate to the local drive and directory where you want to save the file and save the file in the text (.txt) format. Log in to RefWorks. Select References/Import from the toolbar. Select BibTeX as the data source and MathSciNet as the database. Browse to find the text file you saved to your computer. Click Import. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.

METADEX. Materials science database. Coverage: raw materials, refining, processing, welding, fabrication, end use, corrosion, performance, recycling and more. Materials covered: all metals, polymers, ceramics and composites. From search results screen, “Find UNL Full Text & Print” goes to options screen for obtaining article, and “Request Through ILL” goes directly to the ILLiad main screen. RefWorks: Click in box to select items, and then click on the RefWorks button.

TRANSPORT. Search interface for transportation research and economic information that combines the following databases: Transportation Research Information Services (TRIS) from TRB includes 300,000 bibliographic citations, most with abstracts, of research information on all surface transportation modes, air transport, and highway safety. International Road Research Documentation (IRRD) from OECD contains 200,000 abstracts on highway research provided by OECD member countries.

SAE DIGITAL LIBRARY. Search interface for publications of the Society of Automotive Engineers, including technical reports, journal articles, standards, etc. Full text access to many articles.


BUSINESS SOURCE PREMIER. Covers periodicals in the field of business and management. Many citations are linked to full text that comes with the article index subscription. Full text links to HTML or PDF. From the search results screen, the link to access options is “WebBridge”. RefWorks: Add items to folder, click on “Folder has items”, select them again, then click “Export”. Select the “Direct Export to RefWorks button, then click “Save”.

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